Eagle Trail


Information for Scouts aspiring to the Rank of Eagle

  1. START HERECouncil resources: Read the entire Eagle Trail page from San Diego-Imperial Council. 
  2. District resources:
    • Check out the other resources from Rancho Mesa District.
    • If you have Facebook: Access Trail to Eagle and watch two videos our district put together to help you understand the process: Part 1 and Part 2.
  3. Rank Requirements:
    • The official page for Advancement and Awards: Scroll down to the link for Eagle Rank Requirements.
    • The official page for Advancement Resources: Find the Guide to Advancement, section 9 The Eagle Scout Rank, “intended to aid in reviewing and submitting the application and accompanying materials. It is hoped this will help Scouts, parents… etc.”. Also, search the page for thew word Eagle and find other relevant documents.
  4. Potential Eagle Projects:
  5. Project Counselor List:
  6. Your Project:
    • You MUST use the official Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook for the proposal, plan and report. Once you have downloaded the template, make sure you open the PDF file using the Adobe Acrobat Reader program (and not the browser). Otherwise, none of the edits will be saved.
    • Typical lessons learned about Eagle projects:
      • Document every step — Take good notes (diary) and use photos/video.
      • Accept help
      • Communicate and listen
      • Become a scheduling expert
  7. Binder: Typically all of your material will go into a binder along with the Project Workbook.
    • Do yourself a favor and create the binder from day one to keep your material organized and to minimize the risk of loosing things.
    • Here is a Table of Content for an Eagle Binder. It lists the sections that many scouts end up having. It doesn’t mean that you need all of them, or need to arrange them in the same order.  Only include those that makes sense for your particular project and in the order that is logical to you.
      • A little about me (Statement of Life Ambition)
      • Proposal (PDF)
      • Plan (PDF)
      • Report (PDF)
      • Schematics/Blueprints and Materials List
      • Pictures (showing how the project progressed, before/during/after, end-result, volunteers, etc.)
      • Planning documents
      • Finances (fundraising, expenses, receipts)
      • Volunteer Hours and Information
      • Communications (essential letters, emails, etc.)
      • Advancement Information (Rank Information, Positions of Responsibility, Bluecard copies)
  8. Rank Application:
    • You should start to fill out the Eagle Scout Rank Application when you become a Life Scout. It will help to know what you still have to do to become an Eagle Scout.
  9. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Use this template for the Letters
    • This is what the envelope should look like (click to enlarge)…

      The Eagle Candidate & Parents are not to take possession of these letters.
      The Advancement Chair take all sealed, unopened reference letters to the Scout Service Center.  Emailed or faxed letters are not confidential and therefore are not acceptable.
  10. Turning in your Workbook and Application:
    • Check with our Troop Advancement Chair about the procedure to turn in all the documentation.
    • The normal procedure: Bring your Eagle binder and Eagle application to the Council office. (Check their office hours.) They will give you a receipt with the date as proof of turning it. Then some weeks later you will receive information about your Eagle Board of Review and they will bring your binder there.
    • Council office: Boy Scouts of America San Diego-Imperial Council, 1207 Upas St, San Diego, CA 92103.

Internal links: