Ten Essentials
Use a Day pack to carry your “ten essentials”

- A pocketknife or multi-tool can be handy in a wide variety of situations. It’s useful for tasks as large as building an emergency shelter or lighting a campfire with poor fuel, or as small as repairing a damaged backpack. Don’t forget to first earn your Totin’ Chip.
- A first-aid kit can be a lifesaver. Literally. A basic kit for first aid adequate to treat common injuries that may occur on a hike, and including latex gloves for protection from bloodborne pathogens, bandages, medical tape, sterile gauze, moleskin, soap, antiseptic, a mouth-barrier device for CPR, and scissors.
- Bring extra clothing to match the weather. Multiple layers are better than a single massive jacket, because layered clothing is adaptable to a wide range of temperatures. Wool and/or polypro or other synthetic fabrics are recommended. Cotton clothing is not suitable for retaining body heat.
- Rain gear is very important. Preferably a breathable rain suit with jacket and pants. Being wet from rain may result in hypothermia, a potentially fatal condition.
- A flashlight is important for finding your way in the dark.
- Trail food is good for maintaining your energy.
- Water can prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. A minimum of two one liter bottles. Even more for hikes in the back country.
- Matches and/or a fire starter may be used to light fires for heat, or for signaling for help.
- Sun & Insect protection may include sunblock, sunglasses, lip balm, a wide-brimmed hat and insect repellent.
- A map and compass are probably the most important tools you can carry in case you get lost.
And the extra’s:

- Whistle, emergency signal for backcountry travel
- Watch, so that you can stick to the schedule/itinerary.
- Rope, nylon cord 50ft x 1/8”
- Notebook
- Pen or pencil
- Toilet paper, small roll